Sunday, December 16, 2007
Hypocrite! Kevin Coughlin gets caught dealing with the Democrats!
Case in point -
A republican candidate for County office reported that Kevin called to discourage this person from running for County office. Further, this person claims that Coughlin indicated that he (Coughlin) has been in discussions with the Democrat chairman - and County Executive - Russ Pry in order to work out a deal for Republicans and Democrats for 2008. Kevin asked that this person not run for office. (Is Coughlin making deals with the Democrats? After he accused the party's current leadership of this conduct?)
This person told Coughlin to take a hike. Further, this person asked Coughlin how his search for a chairman has been going - apparently - there are no takers - or so Coughlin claims...
Take aways - Coughlin's up to his eyeballs in collusion with the Democrats. Other examples -
(1) Coughlin's key point person in the City of Green, David Reilly, worked to support a Democrat, Andy Padrutt, for Green mayor against Republican Dick Norton. Reilly went so far as to place his name on a pro-Padrutt mailer.
(2) Coughlin supporter Pete Kostoff has publicly supported Democrats for office, including Lee Fisher, and works for Roetzel & Andress, the politically-wired law firm where one of his partners is the Democrat Finance Chair Wayne Jones. When asked if he was involved with the "new summit republicans" Kostoff is said to have stated "Kinda sorta".
(3) Rumors have it that Kevin Coughlin (or his supporters) provided supporters of Cuyahoga Clerk of Courts, Lisa Zeno Carano, a photograph of her Republican challenger, John Widowfield, with former governor Bob Taft. The photo was used in an attack mailer against Widowfield. Where was the photo taken? The front of Coughlin's home. Who took the photo? A Coughlin staffer.
Can Coughlin be this much of a hypocrite? Or, is he just too dumb to understand that the Democrats are playing him like a violin?
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Kevin Coughlin's Leadership Crisis...
Less than one month before the filing deadline for the Summit County Republican Central Committee, and it is clear that Kevin Coughlin is desparate. Desparately in need of a candidate for Chairman.
Coughlin has been burning the phone wires contacting individuals, asking each to run for Chairman in his brave new world. In fact, on election night, Coughlin is rumored to have called an unsuccessful candidate for office to ask him to run for chairman. The candidate was not interested. No one is interested. At least no one that Coughlin can credibly place before the Summit County Republican Central Committee.
No one wants to be associated with Coughlin's movement, especially not at its helm.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
The Summit County Republican Party's Five Facts
The response and its attachment follow:
November 21, 2007
We ask you to read and remember five simple facts!
Five simple facts to sweep away all the pessimism, distortion and worse being spread by a small but vocal band of ambitious agitators about your Summit County Republican Party.
Five simple facts needed to pull some in this party out of their negative, doom and gloom attitude. Facts to kick-start them back into the positive, optimistic frame of mind that wins elections and once again brings Republican values to the forefront of American life – here in Summit County and throughout the nation.
We have attached these facts for you to read, remember and pass along to your Republican friends. Over the coming weeks, we also plan to personally contact as many Central Committee members and other party faithful as possible. We want to further explain these facts and answer additional questions about your party’s future.
We want you to know, despite of all the misinformation you may hear, that your local Party has indeed been recruiting Republican candidates, supporting their campaigns, building a strong grassroots team and winning competitive races in Summit County. These are the facts, and we want you to know them!
That’s also why we have set up a Telephone Answer Line to address your questions as quickly and fully as possible. Details can be found on the fact sheet. You can also e-mail us at
We understand why you and others would sincerely question where Republicans (here in Summit County, in Ohio and nationally) are headed after heartbreaking losses in 2006. We know why you fear for the party’s outlook for 2008. It’s hard not to feel disappointment and frustration at this point in the party’s history, when Republican values have never been more under siege.
Locally, statewide and across America, the party’s momentum is at its lowest ebb in a generation. That’s not just a Summit County phenomenon – it’s a nationwide problem that has upset Republicans everywhere. But it’s a problem that demands honest answers and decisive leadership – not a dishonest, reckless rehash of the past, or a clash of selfish personal agendas that can only lead to defeat. Rather it requires a fresh, optimistic call to action for the future!
Optimism and hope have been the keys to Republican success through the years – a spirit of enthusiasm and confidence best embodied by the great Ronald Reagan. That optimistic spirit must sustain us today.
That’s the real threat posed by this latest smear campaign to undermine your local party, sow even greater doubt about the party’s future and threaten any chance we’ll ever have to assure Summit County Republicans of greater gains in the years ahead.
That’s why we are asking you to stand today with your local party, stick with the vast majority of your fellow Republicans in Summit County and help us as we build a stronger, more successful and more hopeful party than ever before.
Jonathan T. Pavloff, Chairman, Central Committee
Alex R. Arshinkoff, Chairman, Executive Committee
PS: Results of the recent November elections give us reason for thanks. We broke even in local races, despite a down year for Republicans elsewhere! With your help, we’ll continue to build on those successes -- recruiting strong candidates, giving major financial and operational support to their campaigns and keeping your Summit County Republican Party competitive in one of the most difficult political environments in America.
You Need to Know About
Your Summit County Republican Party
Fact 1
Fact 2
Fact 3
Fact 4
Fact 5
¹ Based upon campaign finance reports on file with the Summit County Board of Elections for the Summit County Republican Party, county, municipal, and state elected officials; campaign finance reports for federal candidates on file with the Federal Elections Commission; campaign finance reports for state elected officials on file with the Ohio Secretary of State; and records of the Summit County Republican Party.
² Out of about 390 elected positions [in Summit County], Democrats hold 50 percent of the seats, while Republicans have 39 percent. The political breakdown of the 374,594 registered county voters is 22 percent Democrat, 11 percent Republican and 67 percent nonaffiliated. Per Akron Beacon Journal 9/23/2007 Document ID: 11BE367240F8A840.
Pete Kostoff, former Summit County GOP loyalist, present-day Democrat supporter, Roetzel & Andress partner and Jim Petro backer has again come to the forefront of the movement to take over the Summit County Republican Party. He was initially reputed to be part of the movement, but disavowed any involvement.
Some months ago a defamatory web site known to those in Summit County as "the pink site" surfaced containing all manner of lies. Summit County insiders wondered who was behind it. While many thought it was Kevin Coughlin, others wondered. Recently, Pete Kostoff was asked whether he was behind the slanderous pink site. His alleged response? "Kinda sorta."
Clearly, it seems that Kostoff is pulling the strings of Kevin Coughlin's Pinocchio. It appears that the folks at R&A want to consolidate both political parties under their control - R&A partner Wayne Jones is the Summit County Democrat Party's finance chair and favored candidate for its chairman in 2008. Now Kostoff wants to pull the strings on the SCRP. How cozy...
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Kevin's New Chairman II
Roth, a long-time Republican and construction big-shot, served as a member of the Summit County Republican Executive Committee while President of Hudson City Council. Roth was also co-chairman of a Hudson fundraiser for Senator Mike DeWine that hosted President George H.W. and Mrs. Barbara Bush.
The chairmanship would certainly not hurt Roth's construction business...
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Kevin's New Chairman
While pundits initially pegged former SCRP friend Pete Kostoff as the leading candidate for Chairman, it appears that even Kostoff doesn't want to be associated with Coughlin. So who's the candidate? Maybe Elvis is alive? Howard Hughes? Jim Petro?
Kevin has been dolling out hints to staffers and pundits in Columbus. The latest hint - The person ran against Alex Arshinkoff for Chairman. There are two living people who ran against Chairman Arshinkoff for Chairman - Mark Figetakis and Attorney Don Varian. Mark Figetakis hasn't been involved in Republican politics in decades. Thus, all eyes turn to Varian. Thirty years ago, Republican leaders wouldn't pick Varian because he was the law partner of the Democrat chairman Bob Blakemore.
Today, while Varian may not be partner of the Democrat chairman, his ties to Democrats and Roetzel run deep. Also, his participation in Republican politics has been scant - other than his contributions to the campaign of "pay to play" master Jim Petro. Can Summit County's Republican Party afford Don Varian as its Chairman. We don't think so.
Lies... Damn Lies... And... Well... Kevin Coughlin...Part II
Kevin couldn't tell enough lies and half-truths on his regular website so he created a shadow website to spew the venom that was too defamatory for his regular website (it takes work to make that much stuff up, but no lie is too big for Coughlin). Some of Kevin's "anonymous" attacks:
1. Kevin claims Summit County's leadership is under investigation by the FBI - Kevin's confusing his own friends with our party's leadership.
2. Kevin claims that the Summit County Republican Party "cut off Don Plusquellic's 2003 opponent late in the campaign, leaving the Republican candidate twisting in the wind." The City of Akron's campaign finance laws permit the Summit County Republican Party to give a Republican Candidate for Mayor of Akron $300. That's right folks, $300. Anything more is a crime.
3. Kevin claims that "In 2006, [the Summit County Republican Party Chairman] stated that there were conditions under which he and the Summit County Republican Party would support Ted Strickland for Governor." That is false. The Summit County Republican Party raised over $346,000 for the Republican Candidate for governor, Ken Blackwell. (See
Kevin Coughlin simply cannot tell the truth. It's just not in him to be honest.
We've been away...
Thus, we haven't had a chance to keep our blogspot presence up to date. Beginning today, we will be catching you up on the current news in Summit County.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Coughlin and Casino Gambling...
To paraphrase Shakespeare, "We thinks the Senator doth protest too much." According to the facts, Coughlin has been a central player in the movement to bring casino gambling to Ohio.
Once a hypocrite, always a hypocrite. Does Kevin shoot crap for relaxation? He sure spouts enough....Proponents of Expanding Gambling in Ohio Meet in Columbus
April 20, 2005
Gambling proponents from across the state recently met for the first ever state gambling summit in Columbus. Kegler Brown attorneys attended the meeting. The meeting was a three hour, closed door session, which included proponents from all aspects of the gambling industry. There were approximately sixty participants in the meeting, including representatives of municipalities, horse tracks, Indian tribes, and vending machines. In addition there were members of the Ohio General Assembly in attendance. Representative Bill Seitz (R-Cincinnati) organized the meeting, and was joined by fellow legislators Senator Kevin Coughlin ( R-Cuyahoga Falls); Senate Minority Leader, Senator CJ Prentiss (D-Cleveland); and House Minority Leader, Representative Chris Redfern ( D-Catawba Island).
The attendees at the summit vowed to stick together as proponents of expanding gambling in Ohio. The next step is to conduct opinion polls of Ohio voters regarding casino gambling in Ohio. Participants in the gaming summit agreed to contribute towards the poll, which it is estimated will cost $80,000 to $100,000. Senator Coughlin commented that it is tiring to watch money funnel out of Ohio to bordering states which have casino gambling. Ohioans are gambling, yet Ohio’s not getting any of the profit, Coughlin commented. Cleveland Mayor Jane Campbell, who was in attendance, is advocating for a home rule approach, where the citizens in each community could decide if casino gambling is right for them. Representative Seitz commented that he would like to see a plan put before Ohio voters which gives the greatest chance for economic development, and which keeps the money from flowing out of Ohio to neighboring states.(Emphasis added.)
Lies... Damn Lies... And... Well... Kevin Coughlin...
What's the latest tall-tale you might ask. Well grab your waders. This one comes right from his own personal Pravda, Let's just take a couple piles of Kevin's manure, road apple by road apple.
Road Apple #1 - The Republican Party will give the Democrats the Summit County Sheriff's office (an office the GOP currently holds) AND the County Executive AND the County Prosecutor - Apparently, unlike Bill Clinton, the folks at the Coughlin camp are inhaling - HEAVILY. This is plain WRONG.
Road Apple #2 - The Democrats will allow the GOP to win the Cuyahoga Falls Municipal Clerk of Courts race. - Who really thinks that the Democrats will give up a patronage base they have had for DECADES. We think the Coughlin folks have been drinking a little too much of their mediocrity cool aide. This is another LOSER.
Road Apple #3 - The Democrats will allow the GOP to win the Green mayor's race in 2007. - Now this is a great way to discount Dick Norton's strong showing in the September primary. If you believe this, we have some swamp land in the Portage Lakes to sell you folks. Andy Padrutt, the Democrat in this race, has been campaigning for this office since he was in preschool. Moreso, Kevin's own folks have been working with the Democrat Padrutt. This is one hot mess from the Coughlin folks that's too out there to believe. WRONG, Kevin. The word is WRONG.
Road Apple #4 - Republicans will also get the two new common pleas judgeships that will appear on the ballot in 2008. - When you manure the fields you have to be careful. Too much compost and you'll burn your plants roots. There's so much dung in the Coughlin camp that nothing is going to grow there for decades. Kevin, you're WRONG four for four.
Road Apple #5 - Arshinkoff avoids fielding candidates in expensive races in order to finance his opulent lifestyle and bloated headquarters overhead. - This is why the Summit County Republican Party has a strong and funded candidate in every race it can win in 2007. It just keeps getting deeper and deeper. And, you're still WRONG, Kevin.
What the Summit County Republican Party Already Does - "Our party should educate the public on Democratic corruption, incompetence, and loony leftism, where appropriate. And it should strive to field qualified candidates in every race." - Kevin, We couldn't have said it better. You've stated everything we do year in and year out. By the way, right now, you're in the lead for the head of the "loony left."
Sunday, September 16, 2007
The Recipe of the Month... Kevin Coughlin's Mediocrity Punch...
Well, now we know how. Just use this recipe, smuggled from the Coughlin camp's super-secret headquarters (it's almost as secret as his slate of officers to lead his brave new party)...
The Coughlin Mediocrity Punch. Not quite as effective as Jim Jones' cool aide, but it's almost as lethal. With a few simple ingredients, you too can have your own dead on arrival campaign.
Start with one embittered, term-limited officeholder without a career other than feeding at the public trough who has been simmering for several years in a marinade of bile, blended with equal parts of jealousy and resentment.
Add one bitter former Republican activist.
Let simmer for several months. Remove bitter former Republican activist. Save for later use.
Add one pointed letter that is a blend of rumor, misinformation, half-truths and lies. Mix with a slick website funded by a mystery committee and a handful of interviews sprinkled with the same blend or rumor, misinformation, half-truths and lies.
Add no candidates for the "new" party's leadership. Add only a few disgruntled registered Republicans who do more work for Democrats than Republican candidates and you're almost there.
Refuse to answer any questions concerning your personal motivations, conflicts of interest, lack of qualifications, lack of support or lack of supporters, labelling all such inquiries as "the politics of personal destruction." Add liberal doses of invective directed at your "opponents" via anonymous postings to websites, blogs, etc. Let simmer.
Cool for four weeks. Serve cold. It's a bitter drink. No wonder it is so unpopular.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
A RINO Can't Change His Stripes...
RAB Reports today that Senator Kevin Coughlin has officially endorsed Mitt Romney. Apparently, Coughlin is looking for someone who changes positions on issues as frequently as himself.
Read more about it....
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Summit County Republicans Make Strong Showing in September Elections... Coughlin Team's Candidates Falter
In the City of Green, members of Coughlin's team backed Democrat Andy Padrutt and tax-dodging convict Chris Slates against the Summit County Republican Party's candidate, retired bank executive Republican Dick Norton.
Some of Coughlin's team members even sent out a misleading flier to Green Republicans endorsing Democrat Padrutt ( The Coughlin team (including David Reilly and sitting Mayor Dan Croghan) also engaged in other "dirty tricks" to put Slates on the ballot (
The Coughlin team's smoke and mirrors did not work. Dick Norton, with nearly $25,000 in support from the Summit County GOP on top of his own fundraising, lead the Green primary ticket, beating Padrutt by more than 13% and Slates by 45.2%. Norton and Padrutt will advance to the November ballot. Slates, Susan Ridgeway and Dave Lauby will not advance to the November ballot.
Coughlin endorser, Daniel Dismuke, lost a 3-way primary battle for Stow Law Director to Summit County Republican Party's candidate Brian A. Reali. Reali lead the ticket with 63.6% of the vote. Democrat Christina Gray garnered 29.5% of the vote. The Coughlin team brought out 90 votes (or 6.9% of the vote) for Dismuke.
Elsewhere in the County, in the race for Clerk of the Falls Municipal Court, Republican State Representative John Widowfield beat his primary opponent 83.8% to 16.1%. Widowfield will face Democrat Lisa Zeno Carano and seven other women who filed as independent candidates in this November's election. Local Democrats chose not to oppose Akron Municipal Court Judge John Holcomb or Cuyahoga Falls Municipal Court Judge Kim Hoover in this November's election.
Clearly, the Coughlin folks know more about losing elections than they let on. Elsewhere in the County, Republican candidates competed well against Democrats in non-partisan jurisdictions. There were many disappointments for local Democrats in today's election results. It looks to be a promising fall election season for Summit County Republicans.
Overheard from the Coughlin camp - Coughlin claims that he still does not have a candidate for Chairman. Either he's lying or there's no one of stature who's dumb enough to let himself be associated with Kevin. Better not look behind that curtain, folks, you may just see Toto - not even a broken-down old snake oil salesman, just a little terrier.
Monday, September 10, 2007
"Two of these flyers (attached) came to my house Saturday; one to my wife and one to me. As you see they are from Andy Padrutt (Green Mayor candidate) and open with “Dear Republican…featuring 3 RINOs, Dave Reilly, Tom Robinson and Joel Reed. Please keep in mind that Joel Reed is actually running for a Green Council at- large position on Tuesday’ s primary. What a joke! I hope the party is not giving him a freakin’ dime.
As far as Dave Reilly goes, what the heck is up with this loser? Kevin Coughlin and Pete Kostoff deserve that two-faced idiot who the party gave money hand over fist in his municipal races for Green Council. What a hypocrite. Be sure to note Reilly’s self-proclaimed “Republican Activist” tag. That’s about as accurate as his “political strategist” tag he used to use on Green Council then could not win a softball re-election as a sitting council president? He’ll make a great “strategist” for Couglin’s train wreck. Tom Robinson…Summit County Sheriff’s Office property appraiser? …Drew Alexander needs to punt on 4th down with that Padrutt campaign manager.
It truly saddens me to read of these RINO scumbags' antics who call themselves “community leaders....’”"
Saturday, September 8, 2007
After helping Padrutt circulate petitions for a convict (, Coughlin backer and Arshinkoff detractor David Reilly ( joined a group of registered Republicans in endorsing Padrutt in a misleading mailer (attached below) sent to registered Republicans in the City of Green.
Some of you may remember Padrutt - the former Executive Director of the Democratic Party and a DUI convict. The Beacon Journal wrote this about him:
Akron Beacon Journal
December 11,
A former Summit County Democratic Party head will spend three days in
Glenwood Jail, lose his driver's license for six months and pay $400 in fines
for driving under the influence last spring.Andrew Padrutt received his sentence Friday in Akron Municipal Court.Padrutt, 24, was convicted Nov. 10 after a one-day trial. In addition to the jury finding him guilty of DUI, visiting Judge Joyce George found Padrutt guilty of impeding the flow of traffic and not wearing a seat belt.
The week after his conviction, Padrutt said he would resign as Democratic Party executive director. Party officials said he stepped down to focus on finishing college and that his leaving had nothing to do with his court case.
He had been executive director since March 2002. He was the first person to hold the position.Padrutt's other political work includes being a Green city councilman.The drunken-driving incident occurred in the early morning hours
April 9.
At trial, prosecutors argued Padrutt was drunk after swigging beers with other young Democrats at an East Exchange Street pub. The drinking caused him to fall asleep at a traffic light at Exchange Street and Hawkins Avenue, prosecutors said.Padrutt's defense was that he wasn't intoxicated but exhausted from his many political duties.
Coughlin's brand of leadership emerges - Surround yourself with weak Democrat-leaning Republicans and tell everyone that you're the most conservative person on the face of the earth. We suppose that Kevin's theory is that if you ignore the truth, believe your own propaganda and repeat it enough times the public may believe it.
Summit County's Republican faithful know better.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
The Plain Dealer Expresses its View of Coughlin...
‘How I spent my summer vacation’
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
The end of summer marks the beginning of a very busy political season for Ohio politicians. Some will debate health care and energy policy at the Statehouse, while others will jump into the 2008 campaigns.
Fortunately, summer gave many of them time to rest up and get focused. Here’s how a few of them might explain their summer to Gov. Ted Strickland:
Dear Ted:
If you don’t know me by now, you should. I’m the real boss of Summit County’s Republican Party. And though my party is about as popular as toys from China right now, I still have statewide ambition. I could have your job in 2010.
I’ve spent a decade in Columbus as state representative and senator from Cuyahoga Falls. My attractive family is featured in all of my commercials.
This summer, I began organizing a coup against Summit County GOP Chairman Alex Arshinkoff, who raises and spends big money but has little to show for it. And he makes decisions all the time without my input. You may have heard me blast him on Cleveland’s local NPR station, WCPN. (Too bad the only listeners were liberals from Cleveland Heights and Oberlin.)
I have lined up support from dozens of leaders whom I can’t name right now. But trust me: I have a lot of closeted support. If I can just get the support of our babe-liscious state auditor, Mary Taylor – who’s from my county – I could lock up this whole thing right now.
Let’s keep up the bipartisanship!
Kevin ‘Mad Dog’ Coughlin
State Senator
Sunday, September 2, 2007
More Turns Than a Mardi Gras Parade...
"But all too often, that promised support never materialized ..."
- Coughlin, Letter, August 14, 2007
"I've never argued that (Arshinkoff) can't raise money,"
- Coughlin, Akron Beacon Journal, August 29, 2007
"This year's Summit County Republican fundraising drive has once again failed to raise enough money to cover the local party's promises."
- Coughlin, "New Summit Republicans" website, September 3, 2007
Makes John Kerry look like a paragon of clarity, doesn't it? Why let consistency and honesty get in the way of a good smear campaign?
Notwithstanding Senator Coughlin's bluster, the Summit County Republican Party's 2007-2008 fundraising is on target. Perhaps if Senator Coughlin participated in the Finance Committee rather than just knocking it (and asking for contributions from the party to the Senate Caucus), he would understand the party's budget better and he would get to observe and participate in the Finance Committee's work in reviewing and approving the budget.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Summit County Republican Finance Dinner a Huge Success...
See what the Akron Beacon Journal had to say, below:
Akron Beacon Journal, August 29, 2007
Summit GOP leader praised
Rick Armon, The Akron Beacon Journal, Ohio
Aug. 29--FAIRLAWN -- The Summit County Republican Party stung by an ongoing, internal effort to overthrow the longtime party chairman raised $742,000 at its annual Finance Dinner on Tuesday night.
The event, the major fundraiser for the local party, turned into a lovefest of sorts as some high-profile Republicans came to the defense of Chairman Alex Arshinkoff, who has led the organization for nearly 30 years.
"It's hard to be a prophet in your own land, isn't it Alex?" Ohio House Speaker Jon Husted said during his public remarks.
Kevin DeWine, deputy chairman of the Ohio Republican Party; Mary Taylor, the state auditor; and Bryan Williams, the co-chairman of the event, also praised his commitment to the Republican cause.
Earlier this month, state Sen. Kevin Coughlin of Cuyahoga Falls announced an effort to oust Arshinkoff, accusing him of misspending party funds, not supporting local candidates enough and losing too many local races.
Coughlin will have to win over a majority of the 400-plus Republican committee persons who will be elected countywide in March to succeed in the coup.
Ticket sales and donations for the Finance Dinner are typically lower in years not featuring big national and statewide races, Williams said. But giving was strong this year, and he attributed that partly to support for Arshinkoff.
When introduced, the party chairman received a standing ovation from most of those who paid $250 a ticket to attend the event, held at the Hilton Akron/Fairlawn hotel.
He referenced the party fissure during his comments and disputed Coughlin's accusations.
"I found out a long time ago that party chairmen are usually the root cause of most defeats and are the forgotten child of most victories," Arshinkoff said. "That's part of the business and we'll live with that."
Gust and Frances Kalapodis of New Franklin, who attended the event, said they were confused by Coughlin's effort. "I think the guy's a little squirrelly," Gust Kalapodis said about Coughlin.
Coughlin, who was out of town Tuesday, did not attend the fundraiser.
In a phone interview before the event, he said he's received positive feedback since he publicly released a letter on Aug. 17 announcing his intention.
He has not said who he wants to be the next chairman. He also has launched a Web site to push his agenda.
Green Mayor Daniel Croghan, Hudson Mayor William Currin and Stow Law Director Joseph Haefner are among the Republicans who have joined the effort, according to the Web site. Other names will be announced soon, Coughlin said.
He said Summit County deserves a true two-party system. Now, one party raises all the money and the other wins all the races, he said.
"I've never argued that (Arshinkoff) can't raise money," Coughlin said.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Who are the Democrats' Dancing Bears??
Senator Kevin Coughlin lists among his six supporters City of Green Mayor Dan Croghan and uses a rant from former Green City Council Member David Reilly on his website in support of his case. An article in today's Akron Beacon Journal sheds some light on Reilly and Croghan.
For most of this year, the rumor in Green has been that Croghan, a registered Republican, was giving only lipservice to the Summit County Republican Party's candidate for Mayor, Dick Norton, and that Croghan was actually supporting the Democrat in the race, Andy Padrutt (a former director of the Summit County Democratic Party). Croghan held a fundraiser for Padrutt earlier in the year and is said to have justified this action by explaining that he had to hold the event to get Padrutt's vote as a City Councilman on a key piece of legislation.
Today's ABJ article (link will be posted as soon as ABJ uploads it to the Internet) states that both Croghan and Reilly circulated petitions along with one of Padrutt's key supporters, Democrat Jim Colopy, to get another Democrat, Chris Slates, into the mayor's race. Slates will be competing with Republican Dick Norton in the September primary election. (Green as a nonpartisan, charter city does not have partisan primary elections.)
According to the Beacon Journal, Democrat Slates, age 24, has criminal convictions for DUI, and disorderly conduct and was sued separately by both the City of Green and the State of Ohio for not paying his taxes and will be under house arrest (355 day sentence) during the primary election in which he is a candidate for Mayor.
Republican candidate for Green Mayor Dick Norton said it best when he labelled this effort, "seedy". How can Croghan and Reilly call themselves Republican supporters when they are gathering signatures for Slates, a Democrat, along with another Democrat? Some may say that this was a covert effort to help Norton. If so, then why did Democrat Padrutt and his family sign Democrat Slates' petition?
Clearly, Croghan and Reilly are acting in the best interests of the Democrat Andy Padrutt and not the Republican candidate Dick Norton. If they are willing to conspire with Democrats against a Republican candidate, then we can see the type of "leadership" Kevin Coughlin espouses.
One third of Kevin's stated supporters are involved in this illegitimate and seedy effort. This is a reflection of Kevin's ability as a leader and his ability to recruit supporters. Can the Summit County Republican Party afford Coughlin's "leadership"?? We think not.
Here's the ABJ Article that discussed this issue:
Akron Beacon Journal, August 26, 2007
Rick Armon, Beacon Journal staff writer
GREEN The five-way race for mayor of Green features a candidate who will soon be placed under house arrest after pleading guilty to his third drunken-driving offense in the past four years.
Christopher M. Slates, 24, whose criminal history includes resisting arrest and two disorderly conduct convictions, also was sued this year by both the city of Green and state of Ohio for failure to pay taxes.
Despite that -- and a court order in February that will place him under house arrest for 335 days -- his name will appear along with the four other mayoral candidates on the nonpartisan Sept. 11 primary ballot.
Slates is scheduled to begin serving his time on Sept. 5.
In a further twist, his effort to get on the ballot was helped by current Mayor Daniel Croghan and city Councilman James Colopy -- both of whom don't support Slates but are promoting other candidates.
Slates, who also ran unsuccessfully for council in 2005, has not returned phone calls from the Beacon Journal. He canceled a scheduled interview with the newspaper's editorial board and has not returned a questionnaire mailed to candidates.
He, along with city worker David Lauby, retired banker Dick Norton, Councilman Andy Padrutt and Councilwoman Susan Ridgeway, are running for the four-year position, which pays $78,786. The top two vote-getters in the primary move on to the general election.
Croghan, who cannot run again because of term limits, and Colopy helped gather signatures to place Slates' name on the ballot.
But Croghan supports Norton, and Colopy serves on Padrutt's campaign committee.
So what's going on?
"That's a great question," Ridgeway said.
It's a common strategy for political parties and candidates to place an unknown name on the ballot to suck votes away from rivals or to create a primary, forcing candidates who are not well funded to spend their cash before the general election.
"I'm assuming they wanted to force a primary because they know I don't have a lot of funds," Ridgeway said.
So were they trying to ensure a primary?
"I wouldn't argue with that," Croghan said.
Asked why, the mayor responded: "No comment."
Colopy, who has known Slates since high school, said he wasn't trying to force a primary and instead was just helping out a friend who approached him about running. Even though he was working on Padrutt's campaign, he said he didn't see a conflict in assisting another candidate.
He also said he questioned Slates about his past.
"His response was, 'I want to get my name out there and put that stuff behind me' and I didn't have a reason to say I wouldn't help him out," Colopy said. "I told him straight up, 'Chris, I don't think you have a chance.' He realized he was a long shot."
Slates has been convicted in Akron, Barberton and Cuyahoga Falls municipal courts of drunken driving, disorderly conduct, resisting arrest, driving under suspension and underage drinking.
In February, he pleaded guilty in the Barberton court to his third drunken-driving offense, which stemmed from a traffic stop by the Summit County Sheriff's Office in August 2006, according to court records. Judge Michael Weigand sentenced him to 335 days under house arrest, fined him $1,000, suspended his license for three years and ordered him to attend an alcohol treatment program.
The city of Green sued him in the Barberton court this year for not paying his taxes. And he was sued by the state in Summit County Common Pleas Court for not paying taxes.
In addition to Colopy and Croghan, former Green Councilman David C. Reilly also circulated a petition for Slates. The signatures gathered include the names of Croghan, Padrutt and Councilwoman Christine Croce. Croghan, Padrutt and Colopy's relatives signed the petitions, too.
However, it's not unusual for candidates to sign each other's petitions, knowing how difficult it can be to gather signatures.
Other than signing the petition, Padrutt said he didn't support Slates' efforts.
Norton said he's heard about the Slates issue, but had nothing to do with his appearance on the ballot. If people did conspire to put him on the ballot, Norton called it "seedy."
A primary is required if there are four candidates for mayor. With five candidates, a primary was inevitable.
Colopy and others said that shows there wasn't an attempt to force a primary.
There also had been a question of whether Lauby would really run -- either he was going to drop out or be encouraged not to run. Another candidate, Slates, apparently was needed to ensure a primary just in case, Ridgeway and others said.
As for who's supporting whom, Croghan said he's sticking with Norton.
"He's without a doubt the most qualified candidate," he said.
Colopy, who helped get Slates on the ballot, said he hasn't wavered in his support of Padrutt.
"Andy is the most qualified candidate," he said.
Padrutt doesn't think Slates would be a good mayor.
"I don't think he should be the mayor," he said. "There's no question about that."
Letters to the Editor in Support of Arshinkoff...
Published on Sunday, Aug 26, 2007 in the Akron Beacon Journal.
Dogfight at the GOP Corral
Mark Twain commented: ''If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principal difference between a dog and a man.'' This quote could be applied to state Sen. Kevin Coughlin, R-Cuyahoga Falls, who's turned to name-calling as a way to challenge Summit County Republican Party Chairman Alex Arshinkoff.
Let's look through the mudslinging to examine what's really going on.
Coughlin has lost the financial backing of the Republican Party as a result of his record as a do-nothing legislator. In my opinion, he has mistaken name-calling as leadership. This is emblematic of an officeholder who is all image and no substance.
Coughlin has stated that he has supporters in his movement to dump Arshinkoff, but they wish to remain anonymous until after the November election. This is leadership?
Paul Schweikert Trustee, Sagamore Hills Township
What's eating Coughlin?
Published on Thursday, Aug 23, 2007 in the Akron Beacon Journal.
State Sen. Kevin Coughlin, R-Cuyahoga Falls, has great experience and many excellent attributes that position him as a strong leader to assist Ohio to overcome its downward spiral in terms of job losses and the exodus of young people. He is intelligent, articulate and nice looking all necessary attributes for successful, modern-day political leaders.
Thus, his most recent conduct, reminiscent of a spoiled child in a schoolyard, was all the more surprising (''Summit GOP's Arshinkoff challenged,'' Beacon Journal, Aug. 18).
It is no secret that Coughlin was upset that Mary Taylor, former state representative, was
supported by the local Republican Party to run for statewide office, while he was not.
The incumbent mayor of Akron, a Democrat and one of the longest-serving mayors of a major U.S. city, has been a steady leader for Akron and the entire region. Don Plusquellic has gained the respect of many on both sides of the political aisle.
As a conservative Republican, I personally may not support all of Plusquellic's policies, including his proposed tax increase, but I do acknowledge that his long tenure has delivered economic benefits and greater prosperity for the area.
To ask for new leadership for the county GOP on the grounds that Chairman Alex Arshinkoff did not run a candidate against a well-liked and successful long-term mayor is ludicrous.
Coughlin's letter rant also claimed that Summit County demographics are more favorable than ever for Republicans. Where are his figures coming from? Recent statistics show that for ''likely voters'' (those who actually vote) in Summit County, 43 percent are Democrats, 37 percent are independents most of whom vote for either the Democrat or the best-known candidate (likely to be a ''D'') and only 20 percent vote Republican. Democrats have better than a 2-to-1 advantage over Republicans.
The real accomplishment is that, despite Summit being a strongly Democratic county, Republicans have been able to consistently maintain a strong county party that is envied throughout the state and the country. The reason? Simply, Alex Arshinkoff.
Arshinkoff has been a stalwart supporter of the party and its candidates locally and in Columbus and Washington. To suggest that he is somehow aligned with the local Democrats is laughable.
He's been one of the strongest supporters I have known for GOP candidates and the Republican values of freedom for all, less government, traditional values and a strong military.
It is unclear what has motivated Coughlin to act in such an irrational manner that is so at odds with his normal, reasoned approach to leadership and governing.
Deborah Owens-Fink Richfield Editor's note: The writer is a former member of the State Board of Education.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Better Than Reading Harry Potter?
Coughlin is just writing lifeless fiction. Examples?
1. "...his attacks on community organizations like the Akron Art Museum..."
- This has about as much truth as Hillary Clinton's "vast right-wing conspiracy".
2. "He’s endorsed a Don Plusquellic-led effort to hike the income tax."
- This is more of a myth than "Lord of the Rings". Arshinkoff did not endorse the 2007 Plusquellic income tax increase.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
People in Glass Houses...
Food, meetings, events: $15,805.31, including a $2,969.69 tab at the Portage Country Club and $850.09 at the private Athletic Club of Columbus.
Firestone Country Club: $7,995.
Mileage: $2,407.40 for Kevin (not including any reimbursements from the State for mileage on official business which will be discussed in a later post), and $7,500.92 for staff mileage.
OSU Football Tickets: $1,944.
Membership to B.J.'s Wholesale: $65
Hypocrisy: Priceless.
Source: Campaign finance reports from the Secretary of State's website:,56431,74_56461&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL
Sunday, August 19, 2007
This just in from a supporter...
Indeed if Mr.Coughlin felt so strongly about having a Republican run against the incumbant mayor, then with his strong political credentials, and the strong group (he states he has) backing him he should have moved into the city and run himself.
~ Proudly Conservative
Editor's note - Or he could have taken it upon himself to recruit a candidate given his independence from Chairman Arshinkoff...
Summit County Republican Party Fundraising in 2006
The Summit County Republican Party has a long and proud history of vigorously supporting Republican candidates for local, state and federal office. In 2006, a rough year for Republicans nationwide and in Ohio, the Summit County Republican Party under Chairman Alex R. Arshinkoff’s leadership, contributed or raised $1,013,750 for the following Republican state and local candidates and officeholders through its Central Drive and other fundraising:
Governor Candidate Ken Blackwell - $346,750
Attorney General Candidate Betty Montgomery - $310,500
State Auditor Mary Taylor - $103,500
House Republican Caucus - $50,000
Senate Republican Caucus - $25,000
Summit County Judicial Candidates - $27,500
Other Candidates - $18,500
Chairman Arshinkoff also raised $132,000 for federal candidates separate from the Central Drive:
Senator Mike DeWine - $86,500
Congressman Steve LaTourette - $22,000
Candidate for Congress, Craig Foltin - $23,500
Total 2006 fundraising by the Summit County Republican Central Drive and by Chairman Arshinkoff for candidates: $1,013,750.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
From the President of the Ohio Senate...
Why this Blog? Background.
Keep Summit County Republicans Strong is dedicated to setting forth the facts concerning Chairman Arshinkoff's leadership and why his continued leadership is needed to insure the future success of the Summit County Republican Party.